Preparing for next year

8 Dec

The year is ending.

I think it is time to start looking back to all that has been and to all lessons learned.

For me:

  • I discovered a new passion in life: working with Positive Psychology.
  • I lost 2 very young souls. It was very hard and a reminder that nothing is like it is supposed to be.
  • I don´t have to be liked by everyone or like everyone. But we still have to treat each other with respect.
  • I learned I am a really persevering person. I might not do things perfectly (nor want to) & it may take a while to star over, but I start over.
  • Friendship is better when you are willing to be & share yourself .
  • When someone is mourning the loss of a loved one, there is nothing you can say or do that will ease the pain, but all you say and do with your heart goes a long way.
  • Work doing what you love & you will never have enough.

This is the beginning.

For next year to be great, we need to learn the lessons from this, be grateful for whatever happened to us and to grow one year older, wiser, kinder, friendlier, and mature.

Thank you 2014.


19 May





I have read a lot about the importance of being grateful. The thing that I believe is amazing about it is the fact that it is a way of accepting what you have, what you are living and who you are. When you stop at night to look at your day and find 3 things you are grateful about, it is a way of reviewing all you did and accepting that it was that way. I think it is beautiful because many times we go to bed just thinking about all we didn´t do, or how we would do things in a different way. 


Everyday think of 3 things you couldn´t live without, or that made your day special.

The good ideas

1 May

I just love to think, but most of the time I have no time for it.
Then I complain about how I am stuck at work, I am doing the same annoying things with my husband, I find my house terribly upside down, and end up feeling like there is no time for anything, less for thinking.

So what I am doing now is taking 5 minutes, no more, to think. It is hard, very hard. Because thinking is not just sitting there quietly and letting all your thoughts wonder in your head. Thinking involves pencil and paper. Planning, jotting down words. Letting your head run freely but in a subject you are currently worried or managing.

Thinking helps you to make decisions, and when you decide, you can start getting into action.

No more Violence

25 Nov

Violence is not just insults and punches, it also happens when you want someone to change just because you don´t like something she does or thinks. It also happens when you treat differently someone because you don´t agree with his or her lifestyle. Denying others the right to be themselves is the first step for violence to escalate. 

To grow or not to grow

23 Nov

Kids are amazing. I just love talking to them, teaching them stuff, listening to them to learn how they see the world through their eyes, and just hanging out. I sometimes like it better to be with kids than with adults because it is much simpler, more fun and everything is possible. 

I think that as grown-ups we have lost the belief in magic, in innocence, in things that can´t be proven by science. It is hard to talk about the future with someone that knows exactly how life works, with someone that won’t believe that even if it’s hard it is doable. 

I really wish that growing up doesn´t mean to lose all that magic. If you have lost it, go talk to the kids in your life, start acting like one sometimes, try even if you KNOW it can´t be done. Laugh at simple things, forget bad things quickly, be persistent, foolish, and happy for no reason. 



love & forgive

13 Nov

love & forgive

nothing more to add.


12 Nov

Today is all we have. 

We are today creating the future, such a heard expression. 

What we need to know is that today you need to ask yourself: I am creating today thinking of the past or the future? It makes such a difference… because if you are creating it from the past, you are doomed to repeat whatever happened in the past… if you are thinking of the future, you are doomed of making things that are new. 

Neither one is better, they are just two ways of living the present. 



Great way to start the week

11 Nov

I love this video because the song is inspiring, the idea is amazing and the faces of the crowd, the children are the best. Enjoy.


Stop labeling others

8 Nov

When you judge someone only by one thing you see, you are missing out on a lot.
And kind of the truth is that by labeling others you ar “protecting” yourself. Maybe you feel insecure and try to find something wrong in others to feel better, but I am sure that if you start talking to people and knowing them you will feel better. Take a chance and let someone see the amazing you.


“Do not dwell i…

7 Nov

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”


When you “catch” yourself thinking about the past or the future, say STOP and describe your present. Maybe it will help you to get things done and feel a little better.